VBspeed / String / Base64Dec
VBspeed © 2000-10, updated: 20-Oct-2002
See also Base64Enc

The Definition
Function Base64Dec
Decodes data encoded with MIME Base64.
The reverse function to Base64Enc. Check there for details on Base64-encoding/decoding.
The preferred format of the input and output data stream may vary depending on the context. Here are three possibilities:
  Function Base64Dec(Base64String As String) As String
  Sub Base64Dec(Base64String As String, abDst() As Byte)
  Sub Base64Dec(abSrc() As Byte, abDst() As Byte)
The input string must contain one or more lines of base64 encoded data, and returned is a string resp. byte array containing the resulting binary data.
Line breaks and illegal characters: "All line breaks or other characters not found in Table 1 must be ignored by decoding software. In base64 data, characters other than those in Table 1, line breaks, and other white space probably indicate a transmission error, about which a warning message or even a message rejection might be appropriate under some circumstances." (RFC 2045)
Roll your own
If you want to have a go at Base64Dec yourself, use this function (VB5/6-compatible) to verify the correctness of your code.

The Charts
  sDst = Base64Dec(sSrc) or
Call Base64Dec(sSrc, abDst()) or
Call Base64Dec(abSrc(), abDst())
Call 1 sSrc/abSrc() = Base64Enc("Vbspeed")
Call 2 sSrc/abSrc() = Base64Enc("The above means that base64 encoded data takes one-third more space than the data before the conversion.")
Call 3 sSrc/abSrc() = Base64Enc(Replicate(100, "The above means that base64 encoded data takes one-third more space than the data before the conversion."))
Call 4 sSrc/abSrc() = Base64Enc(Replicate(1000, "The above means that base64 encoded data takes one-third more space than the data before the conversion."))
Call 5 sSrc/abSrc() = Base64Enc(Replicate(10000, "The above means that base64 encoded data takes one-third more space than the data before the conversion."))
Base64Dec01 Nobody  
Base64Dec02 GuidoAPI,TLB 
Base64Dec03 PaulTLB 
Call 1
Call 2
Call 3
Call 4
Call 5
Base64Dec01 Nobody  
Base64Dec02 GuidoAPI,TLB 
Base64Dec03 PaulTLB 
Call 1
Call 2
Call 3
Call 4
Call 5
Notes & Conclusions
Mail your code! How to read all those numbers

The Code
submitted 29-Sep-2002 by Nobody  
Doping: none
Public Function Base64Dec01(Base64String As String) As String
' by Nobody, 20011204 - rev 001
' revised 20061126 by Donald
  Static Enc() As Byte
  Dim b() As Byte, Out() As Byte, i&, j&, L&, Dec(0 To 255) As Byte
  If (Not Val(Not Enc)) = 0 Then 'Null-Ptr = not initialized
    Enc = StrConv("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", vbFromUnicode)
  End If
  For i = 0 To 255: Dec(i) = 64: Next
  For i = 0 To 63: Dec(Enc(i)) = i: Next
  L = Len(Base64String): b = StrConv(Base64String, vbFromUnicode)
  ReDim Preserve Out(0 To (L \ 4) * 3 - 1)
  ' revised 20061126!
  For i = 0 To UBound(b) - 1 Step 4
  ''was: For i = 0 To UBound(b) Step 4
    Out(j) = (Dec(b(i)) * 4) Or (Dec(b(i + 1)) \ 16): j = j + 1
    Out(j) = (Dec(b(i + 1)) And 15) * 16 Or (Dec(b(i + 2)) \ 4): j = j + 1
    Out(j) = (Dec(b(i + 2)) And 3) * 64 Or Dec(b(i + 3)): j = j + 1
  Next i
  If b(L - 2) = 61 Then j = 2 Else If b(L - 1) = 61 Then j = 1 Else j = 0
  ReDim Preserve Out(0 To UBound(Out) - j)
  Base64Dec01 = StrConv(Out, vbUnicode)
End Function
Author's comments:
Donald's comments:

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submitted 29-Sep-2002 by Guido Beckmann  
Doping: API, and reference to typelib BStrAPI.tlb (by G.Beckmann) - Download BStrAPI.tlb (2KB zipped, VB5-compatible).
Public Sub Base64Dec02(Base64String As String, abDst() As Byte)
' by G.Beckmann, G.Beckmann@NikoCity.de, 20011204 [20001224]
    Static aB(255) As Byte
    Dim saSrc As bstrapi.SAFEARRAY1D, aSrc%()
    Dim b1%, b2%, b3%
    Dim p&, c&, n&, iL&, i&, j&
    If aB(0) = 0 Then
        RtlFillMemory aB(0), 256, 64
        For c = 48 To 57:   aB(c) = c + 4:  Next c
        For c = 65 To 90:   aB(c) = c - 65: Next c
        For c = 97 To 122:  aB(c) = c - 71: Next c
        aB(43) = 62: aB(47) = 63: c = 0
    End If
    iL = Len(Base64String)
    If iL = 0 Then Erase abDst: Exit Sub
    p = ArrPtr(aSrc)
    With saSrc
        .cDims = 1
        .cbElements = 2
        .pvData = StrPtr(Base64String)
        .cElements1D = iL
    End With
    RtlMoveMemory ByVal p, VarPtr(saSrc), 4
    Select Case 61
    Case aSrc(iL - 2):  j = 3: c = 1
    Case aSrc(iL - 1):  j = 2: c = 1
    Case Else:          j = 1
    End Select
    i = iL \ 4
    ReDim Preserve abDst(0 To i * 3 - j)
    i = i - c
    c = 0
    Do While i
        b1 = aB(aSrc(c + 1))
        b2 = aB(aSrc(c + 2))
        b3 = aB(aSrc(c + 3))
        abDst(n) = (aB(aSrc(c)) * 4) Or (b1 \ 16)
        abDst(n + 1) = (b1 And &HF) * 16 Or (b2 \ 4)
        abDst(n + 2) = (b2 And &H3) * 64 Or b3
        n = n + 3
        c = c + 4
        i = i - 1
    Select Case j
    Case 3
        abDst(n) = (aB(aSrc(c)) * 4) Or (aB(aSrc(c + 1)) \ 16)
    Case 2
        b1 = aB(aSrc(c + 1))
        abDst(n) = (aB(aSrc(c)) * 4) Or (b1 \ 16)
        abDst(n + 1) = (b1 And &HF) * 16 Or (aB(aSrc(c + 2)) \ 4)
    End Select

    RtlZeroMemory ByVal p, 4
End Sub
Author's comments :
Donald's comments :

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submitted 20-Oct-2002 by Paul  
Doping: TLB UPDATE 13-Oct-2002 (cf. Dope'n'Declarations)
Sub Base64Dec03(ByRef abBase64() As Byte, ByRef abResult() As Byte)
' by Paul, wpsjr1@syix.com, 20021020
' doping: string.tlb
  Static lArrayPointer  As Long
  Static LUT(32767)     As Integer ' 64K LUT (very little is really used)
  Static bTemp()        As Byte
  Static Decode(255)    As Byte
  Dim lIn()             As Integer
  Dim lTemp             As Long
  Dim i                 As Long
  Dim j                 As Long
  Dim lNumQuads         As Long
  Dim lPartial          As Long
  Dim lUbound           As Long
  Dim lNumChars         As Long
  Dim bHi               As Byte
  Dim bMid              As Byte
  Dim bLo               As Byte

  Dim SA As FastString.SafeArrayHeader

  If lArrayPointer = 0 Then
    bTemp = StrConv("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" & String$(192, "@"), vbFromUnicode)
    For i = 0 To 63
      Decode(bTemp(i)) = i
    Next i
    For i = 0 To 255
      For j = 0 To 127
        LUT((j * 256) + i) = (Decode(i) * 64) Or Decode(j)
      Next j
    Next i
    i = 0
  End If
  j = LBound(abBase64)
  lUbound = UBound(abBase64)
  lNumChars = lUbound - j + 1
  lNumQuads = lNumChars \ 4
  If (lNumChars And 3) Then Exit Sub ' encoded strings should always be even multiples of four
  If abBase64(lUbound) = 61 Then ' check for one terminating "="
    lPartial = 1
    If abBase64(lUbound - 1) = 61 Then ' or two?
      lPartial = 2
    End If
  End If

  ReDim abResult((lNumQuads * 3) - lPartial - 1)
  lArrayPointer = FastString.VB5.VarPtrIntegerArray(lIn)
  lNumQuads = lNumQuads * 2

  With SA
    .cDims = 1
    .cbElements = 2 ' integer array
    .pvData = VarPtr(abBase64(j))
    .cElements = lNumQuads
  End With

  FastString.RtlMoveMemory ByVal lArrayPointer, VarPtr(SA)
  j = 0
  If lPartial Then lNumQuads = lNumQuads - 2
  If lNumQuads Then
      lTemp = lIn(i) ' 111111112222
      lTemp = LUT(lTemp) ' Lookup table anyone?
      bMid = (lTemp And &HF) * &H10
      bHi = (lTemp \ &H10) And &HFF
      lTemp = lIn(i + 1) ' 222233333333
      lTemp = LUT(lTemp)
      bMid = bMid Or ((lTemp And &HF00) \ &H100)
      bLo = lTemp And &HFF
      abResult(j) = bHi
      abResult(j + 1) = bMid
      abResult(j + 2) = bLo
      j = j + 3
      i = i + 2
    Loop While i < lNumQuads
  End If
  If lPartial Then
    If lPartial = 1 Then
      lTemp = LUT(lIn(i))
      abResult(j) = (lTemp \ &H10) And &HFF
      abResult(j + 1) = ((lTemp And &HF) * &H10) Or (Decode(abBase64(lUbound - 1)) \ 4)
    Else ' lPartial = 2
      lTemp = LUT(lIn(i))
      abResult(j) = (lTemp \ &H10) And &HFF
    End If
  End If

  FastString.RtlMoveMemory ByVal lArrayPointer, 0&
End Sub
Author's comments:
Donald's comments:

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VBspeed © 2000-10 by Donald Lessau